OpenEnroth 73e68f7
This is the complete list of members for Actor, including all inherited members.
_4031C1_update_job_never_gets_called(unsigned int uActorID, signed int a2, int a3) | Actor | static |
_427102_IsOkToCastSpell(SpellId spell) | Actor | |
_4273BB_DoesHitOtherActor(Actor *defender, int a3, int a4) | Actor | |
_43B3E0_CalcDamage(ActorAbility dmgSource) | Actor | |
_SelectTarget(unsigned int uActorID, Pid *OutTargetPID, bool can_target_party) | Actor | static |
Actor() | Actor | inline |
Actor(int id) | Actor | inlineexplicit |
ActorDamageFromMonster(Pid attacker_id, unsigned int actor_id, const Vec3f &pVelocity, ActorAbility a4) | Actor | static |
ActorEnemy() const | Actor | inline |
ActorFriend() const | Actor | inline |
ActorHasItem() const | Actor | inline |
ActorHitOrMiss(Character *pPlayer) | Actor | |
ActorNearby() const | Actor | inline |
AddOnDamageOverlay(unsigned int uActorID, int overlayType, int damage) | Actor | static |
AggroSurroundingPeasants(unsigned int uActorID, int a2) | Actor | static |
AI_Bored(unsigned int uActorID, Pid uObjID, AIDirection *a4) | Actor | static |
AI_FaceObject(unsigned int uActorID, Pid uObjID, AIDirection *Dir_In) | Actor | static |
AI_Flee(unsigned int uActorID, Pid edx0, Duration uActionLength, AIDirection *a4) | Actor | static |
AI_MeleeAttack(unsigned int uActorID, Pid sTargetPid, AIDirection *arg0) | Actor | static |
AI_MissileAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, Pid sTargetPid, AIDirection *pDir) | Actor | static |
AI_MissileAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, Pid sTargetPid, AIDirection *pDir) | Actor | static |
AI_Pursue1(unsigned int uActorID, Pid a2, signed int arg0, Duration uActionLength, AIDirection *pDir) | Actor | static |
AI_Pursue2(unsigned int uActorID, Pid a2, Duration uActionLength, AIDirection *pDir, int a5) | Actor | static |
AI_Pursue3(unsigned int uActorID, Pid a2, Duration uActionLength, AIDirection *a4) | Actor | static |
AI_RandomMove(unsigned int uActor_id, Pid uTarget_id, int radius, Duration uActionLength) | Actor | static |
AI_RangedAttack(unsigned int uActorID, AIDirection *a2, int type, ActorAbility a4) | Actor | static |
AI_SpellAttack(unsigned int uActorID, AIDirection *pDir, SpellId uSpellID, ActorAbility a4, CombinedSkillValue uSkill) | Actor | static |
AI_SpellAttack1(unsigned int uActorID, Pid sTargetPid, AIDirection *pDir) | Actor | static |
AI_SpellAttack2(unsigned int uActorID, Pid sTargetPid, AIDirection *pDir) | Actor | static |
AI_Stand(unsigned int uActorID, Pid object_to_face_pid, Duration uActionLength, AIDirection *a4) | Actor | static |
AI_StandOrBored(unsigned int uActorID, Pid uObjID, Duration uActionLength, AIDirection *a4) | Actor | static |
AI_Stun(unsigned int uActorID, Pid edx0, int arg0) | Actor | static |
aiState | Actor | |
ally | Actor | |
ApplyFineForKillingPeasant(unsigned int uActorID) | Actor | static |
Arena_summon_actor(MonsterId monster_id, Vec3f pos) | Actor | static |
ArePeasantsOfSameFaction(Actor *a1, Actor *a2) | Actor | static |
attributes | Actor | |
buffs | Actor | |
CalcMagicalDamageToActor(DamageType dmgType, int incomingDmg) | Actor | |
CanAct() const | Actor | |
carriedItemId | Actor | |
currentActionAnimation | Actor | |
currentActionLength | Actor | |
currentActionTime | Actor | |
currentHP | Actor | |
DamageMonsterFromParty(Pid a1, unsigned int uActorID_Monster, const Vec3f &pVelocity) | Actor | static |
Die(unsigned int uActorID) | Actor | static |
DoesDmgTypeDoDamage(DamageType uType) | Actor | |
donebloodsplat | Actor | |
DrawHealthBar(Actor *actor, GUIWindow *window) | Actor | static |
Explode(unsigned int uActorID) | Actor | static |
GetActorsRelation(Actor *a2) | Actor | |
GetDirectionInfo(Vec3f p1, Vec3f p2, AIDirection *pOut) | Actor | static |
GetDirectionInfo(Pid uObj1ID, Pid uObj2ID, AIDirection *pOut, int PreferedZ) | Actor | static |
GetObjDescId(SpellId spellId) | Actor | static |
giveItem(signed int uActorID, ItemId uItemID, unsigned int bGive) | Actor | static |
group | Actor | |
guardingPosition | Actor | |
height | Actor | |
id | Actor | |
InitializeActors() | Actor | static |
initialPosition | Actor | |
isActorKilled(ActorKillCheckPolicy policy, int param, int count) | Actor | static |
IsNotAlive() | Actor | |
IsPeasant() | Actor | |
items | Actor | |
lastCharacterIdToHit | Actor | |
LootActor() | Actor | |
MakeActorAIList_BLV() | Actor | static |
MakeActorAIList_ODM() | Actor | static |
massDistortionTime | Actor | |
monsterInfo | Actor | |
moveSpeed | Actor | |
name | Actor | |
npcId | Actor | |
pitchAngle | Actor | |
playSound(unsigned int uActorID, ActorSound uSoundID) | Actor | static |
pos | Actor | |
PrepareSprites(char load_sounds_if_bit1_set) | Actor | |
radius | Actor | |
Remove() | Actor | |
Reset() | Actor | |
ResetActive() | Actor | inline |
ResetAggressor() | Actor | inline |
ResetAnimation() | Actor | inline |
ResetFullAiState() | Actor | inline |
ResetHasItem() | Actor | inline |
ResetHostile() | Actor | inline |
ResetQueue() | Actor | inline |
resurrect(unsigned int uActorID) | Actor | static |
scheduledJobs | Actor | |
searchDeadActors(int *pTotalActors) | Actor | static |
searchDeadActorsByGroup(int *pTotalActors, int group) | Actor | static |
searchDeadActorsByID(int *pTotalActors, int id) | Actor | static |
searchDeadActorsByMonsterID(int *pTotalActors, MonsterId monsterID) | Actor | static |
sectorId | Actor | |
SetRandomGoldIfTheresNoItem() | Actor | |
soundSampleIds | Actor | |
special_ability_use_check(int a2) | Actor | |
spriteIds | Actor | |
StandAwhile(unsigned int uActorID) | Actor | static |
StealFrom(unsigned int uActorID) | Actor | static |
summonerId | Actor | |
SummonMinion(int summonerId) | Actor | |
tetherDistance | Actor | |
toggleFlag(signed int uActorID, ActorAttribute uFlag, bool bToggle) | Actor | static |
uniqueNameIndex | Actor | |
UpdateActorAI() | Actor | static |
UpdateAnimation() | Actor | |
velocity | Actor | |
word_000084_range_attack | Actor | |
word_000086_some_monster_id | Actor | |
yawAngle | Actor |