OpenEnroth 73e68f7
This is the complete list of members for ProxyWindow, including all inherited members.
activate() override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
base() const | ProxyBase< PlatformWindow > | inline |
base_ | ProxyBase< PlatformWindow > | private |
createOpenGLContext(const PlatformOpenGLOptions &options) override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
frameMargins() const override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
grabsMouse() const override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
isResizable() const override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
isVisible() const override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
nativeHandle() const override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
nonNullBase() const | ProxyBase< PlatformWindow > | inlineprotected |
orientations() override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
position() const override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
ProxyBase(PlatformWindow *base) | ProxyBase< PlatformWindow > | inlineexplicit |
ProxyWindow(PlatformWindow *base=nullptr) | ProxyWindow | explicit |
resize(const Sizei &size) override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
setBase(PlatformWindow *base) | ProxyBase< PlatformWindow > | inline |
setGrabsMouse(bool grabsMouse) override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
setOrientations(PlatformWindowOrientations orientations) override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
setPosition(const Pointi &pos) override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
setResizable(bool resizable) override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
setTitle(const std::string &title) override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
setVisible(bool visible) override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
setWindowMode(PlatformWindowMode mode) override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
size() const override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
title() const override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
windowMode() override | ProxyWindow | virtual |
~PlatformWindow()=default | PlatformWindow | virtual |
~ProxyWindow()=default | ProxyWindow | virtual |