OpenEnroth 73e68f7
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Public Attributes | List of all members
ItemDesc Struct Reference

#include <Items.h>

Public Attributes

std::string iconName = ""
std::string name = ""
std::string pUnidentifiedName = ""
std::string pDescription = ""
uint32_t uValue = 0
SpriteId uSpriteID = SPRITE_NULL
int16_t field_1A = 0
int16_t uEquipX = 0
int16_t uEquipY = 0
ItemType uEquipType = ITEM_TYPE_NONE
CharacterSkillType uSkillType = CHARACTER_SKILL_MISC
uint8_t uDamageDice = 0
uint8_t uDamageRoll = 0
uint8_t uDamageMod = 0
ItemRarity uMaterial = RARITY_COMMON
ItemEnchantment _additional_value = ITEM_ENCHANTMENT_NULL
std::optional< CharacterAttribute_bonus_type
char _bonus_strength = 0
char field_25 = 0
char field_26 = 0
char field_27 = 0
unsigned char uItemID_Rep_St = 0
char field_2f = 0

Member Data Documentation

◆ _additional_value

ItemEnchantment ItemDesc::_additional_value = ITEM_ENCHANTMENT_NULL

◆ _bonus_strength

char ItemDesc::_bonus_strength = 0

◆ _bonus_type

std::optional<CharacterAttribute> ItemDesc::_bonus_type

◆ field_1A

int16_t ItemDesc::field_1A = 0

◆ field_25

char ItemDesc::field_25 = 0

◆ field_26

char ItemDesc::field_26 = 0

◆ field_27

char ItemDesc::field_27 = 0

◆ field_2f

char ItemDesc::field_2f = 0

◆ iconName

std::string ItemDesc::iconName = ""

ID/Rep/St|Not identified name|Sprite Index|VarA|VarB|Equip X|Equip Y|Notes

◆ name

std::string ItemDesc::name = ""

◆ pDescription

std::string ItemDesc::pDescription = ""

◆ pUnidentifiedName

std::string ItemDesc::pUnidentifiedName = ""

◆ uChanceByTreasureLvl

IndexedArray<uint8_t, ITEM_TREASURE_LEVEL_FIRST_RANDOM, ITEM_TREASURE_LEVEL_LAST_RANDOM> ItemDesc::uChanceByTreasureLvl = {{}}

◆ uDamageDice

uint8_t ItemDesc::uDamageDice = 0

◆ uDamageMod

uint8_t ItemDesc::uDamageMod = 0

◆ uDamageRoll

uint8_t ItemDesc::uDamageRoll = 0

◆ uEquipType

ItemType ItemDesc::uEquipType = ITEM_TYPE_NONE

◆ uEquipX

int16_t ItemDesc::uEquipX = 0

◆ uEquipY

int16_t ItemDesc::uEquipY = 0

◆ uItemID_Rep_St

unsigned char ItemDesc::uItemID_Rep_St = 0

◆ uMaterial

ItemRarity ItemDesc::uMaterial = RARITY_COMMON

◆ uSkillType

CharacterSkillType ItemDesc::uSkillType = CHARACTER_SKILL_MISC

◆ uSpriteID

SpriteId ItemDesc::uSpriteID = SPRITE_NULL

◆ uValue

uint32_t ItemDesc::uValue = 0

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: