#include <EntitySnapshots.h>
int32_t | field_0 |
uint32_t | partyHeight |
uint32_t | defaultPartyHeight |
int32_t | eyeLevel |
uint32_t | defaultEyeLevel |
int32_t | radius |
int32_t | yawGranularity |
uint32_t | walkSpeed |
int32_t | yawRotationSpeed |
int32_t | jumpStrength |
int32_t | field_28 |
int64_t | timePlayed |
int64_t | lastRegenerationTime |
PartyTimeStruct_MM7 | partyTimes |
Vec3i | position |
int32_t | viewYaw |
int32_t | viewPitch |
Vec3i | prevPosition |
int32_t | viewPrevYaw |
int32_t | viewPrevPitch |
int32_t | prevEyeLevel |
int32_t | field_6E0 |
int32_t | field_6E4 |
int32_t | fallSpeed |
int32_t | field_6EC |
int32_t | savedFlightZ |
int32_t | floorFacePidUnused |
int32_t | walkSoundTimerUnused |
int32_t | waterLavaTimer |
int32_t | fallStartZ |
uint32_t | flying |
char | field_708 |
uint8_t | hirelingScrollPosition |
char | field_70A |
char | field_70B |
uint32_t | currentYear |
uint32_t | currentMonth |
uint32_t | currentMonthWeek |
uint32_t | currentDayOfMonth |
uint32_t | currentHour |
uint32_t | currentMinute |
uint32_t | currentTimeSecond |
uint32_t | numFoodRations |
int32_t | field_72C |
int32_t | field_730 |
uint32_t | numGold |
uint32_t | numGoldInBank |
uint32_t | numDeaths |
int32_t | field_740 |
int32_t | numPrisonTerms |
uint32_t | numBountiesCollected |
int | field_74C |
std::array< int16_t, 5 > | monsterIdForHunting |
std::array< int16_t, 5 > | monsterForHuntingKilled |
uint8_t | daysPlayedWithoutRest |
std::array< uint8_t, 64 > | questBits |
std::array< bool, 13 > | arcomageWins |
std::array< bool, 3 > | arcomageWinsUnused |
int8_t | field_7B5_in_arena_quest |
std::array< uint8_t, 4 > | numArenaWins |
std::array< bool, 29 > | isArtifactFound |
std::array< char, 39 > | field_7d7 |
std::array< uint8_t, 26 > | autonoteBits |
std::array< char, 60 > | field_818 |
std::array< char, 32 > | randomNumbersUnused |
int32_t | numArcomageWins |
int32_t | numArcomageLoses |
uint32_t | turnBasedModeOn |
int32_t | field_880 |
int32_t | flags2 |
uint32_t | alignment |
std::array< SpellBuff_MM7, 20 > | partyBuffs |
std::array< Player_MM7, 4 > | players |
std::array< NPCData_MM7, 2 > | hirelings |
ItemGen_MM7 | pickedItem |
uint32_t | flags |
std::array< ItemGen_MM7, 12 > | standartItemsInShop0 |
std::array< std::array< ItemGen_MM7, 12 >, 52 > | standartItemsInShops |
std::array< ItemGen_MM7, 12 > | specialItemsInShop0 |
std::array< std::array< ItemGen_MM7, 12 >, 52 > | specialItemsInShops |
std::array< std::array< ItemGen_MM7, 12 >, 32 > | spellBooksInGuilds |
std::array< char, 24 > | field_1605C |
std::array< char, 100 > | hireling1Name |
std::array< char, 100 > | hireling2Name |
int32_t | armageddonTimer |
int32_t | armageddonDamage |
std::array< int32_t, 4 > | turnBasedPlayerRecoveryTimes |
int32_t | inTheShopFlag0 |
std::array< int32_t, 52 > | inTheShopFlags |
int32_t | fine |
std::array< float, 3 > | torchLightColorRgbUnused |
◆ alignment
uint32_t Party_MM7::alignment |
◆ arcomageWins
std::array<bool, 13> Party_MM7::arcomageWins |
◆ arcomageWinsUnused
std::array<bool, 3> Party_MM7::arcomageWinsUnused |
◆ armageddonDamage
int32_t Party_MM7::armageddonDamage |
◆ armageddonTimer
int32_t Party_MM7::armageddonTimer |
◆ autonoteBits
std::array<uint8_t, 26> Party_MM7::autonoteBits |
◆ currentDayOfMonth
uint32_t Party_MM7::currentDayOfMonth |
◆ currentHour
uint32_t Party_MM7::currentHour |
◆ currentMinute
uint32_t Party_MM7::currentMinute |
◆ currentMonth
uint32_t Party_MM7::currentMonth |
◆ currentMonthWeek
uint32_t Party_MM7::currentMonthWeek |
◆ currentTimeSecond
uint32_t Party_MM7::currentTimeSecond |
◆ currentYear
uint32_t Party_MM7::currentYear |
◆ daysPlayedWithoutRest
uint8_t Party_MM7::daysPlayedWithoutRest |
◆ defaultEyeLevel
uint32_t Party_MM7::defaultEyeLevel |
◆ defaultPartyHeight
uint32_t Party_MM7::defaultPartyHeight |
◆ eyeLevel
int32_t Party_MM7::eyeLevel |
◆ fallSpeed
int32_t Party_MM7::fallSpeed |
◆ fallStartZ
int32_t Party_MM7::fallStartZ |
◆ field_0
int32_t Party_MM7::field_0 |
◆ field_1605C
std::array<char, 24> Party_MM7::field_1605C |
◆ field_28
int32_t Party_MM7::field_28 |
◆ field_6E0
int32_t Party_MM7::field_6E0 |
◆ field_6E4
int32_t Party_MM7::field_6E4 |
◆ field_6EC
int32_t Party_MM7::field_6EC |
◆ field_708
char Party_MM7::field_708 |
◆ field_70A
char Party_MM7::field_70A |
◆ field_70B
char Party_MM7::field_70B |
◆ field_72C
int32_t Party_MM7::field_72C |
◆ field_730
int32_t Party_MM7::field_730 |
◆ field_740
int32_t Party_MM7::field_740 |
◆ field_74C
◆ field_7B5_in_arena_quest
int8_t Party_MM7::field_7B5_in_arena_quest |
◆ field_7d7
std::array<char, 39> Party_MM7::field_7d7 |
◆ field_818
std::array<char, 60> Party_MM7::field_818 |
◆ field_880
int32_t Party_MM7::field_880 |
◆ fine
◆ flags
uint32_t Party_MM7::flags |
◆ flags2
int32_t Party_MM7::flags2 |
◆ floorFacePidUnused
int32_t Party_MM7::floorFacePidUnused |
◆ flying
uint32_t Party_MM7::flying |
◆ hireling1Name
std::array<char, 100> Party_MM7::hireling1Name |
◆ hireling2Name
std::array<char, 100> Party_MM7::hireling2Name |
◆ hirelings
◆ hirelingScrollPosition
uint8_t Party_MM7::hirelingScrollPosition |
◆ inTheShopFlag0
int32_t Party_MM7::inTheShopFlag0 |
◆ inTheShopFlags
std::array<int32_t, 52> Party_MM7::inTheShopFlags |
◆ isArtifactFound
std::array<bool, 29> Party_MM7::isArtifactFound |
◆ jumpStrength
int32_t Party_MM7::jumpStrength |
◆ lastRegenerationTime
int64_t Party_MM7::lastRegenerationTime |
◆ monsterForHuntingKilled
std::array<int16_t, 5> Party_MM7::monsterForHuntingKilled |
◆ monsterIdForHunting
std::array<int16_t, 5> Party_MM7::monsterIdForHunting |
◆ numArcomageLoses
int32_t Party_MM7::numArcomageLoses |
◆ numArcomageWins
int32_t Party_MM7::numArcomageWins |
◆ numArenaWins
std::array<uint8_t, 4> Party_MM7::numArenaWins |
◆ numBountiesCollected
uint32_t Party_MM7::numBountiesCollected |
◆ numDeaths
uint32_t Party_MM7::numDeaths |
◆ numFoodRations
uint32_t Party_MM7::numFoodRations |
◆ numGold
uint32_t Party_MM7::numGold |
◆ numGoldInBank
uint32_t Party_MM7::numGoldInBank |
◆ numPrisonTerms
int32_t Party_MM7::numPrisonTerms |
◆ partyBuffs
◆ partyHeight
uint32_t Party_MM7::partyHeight |
◆ partyTimes
◆ pickedItem
◆ players
◆ position
Vec3i Party_MM7::position |
◆ prevEyeLevel
int32_t Party_MM7::prevEyeLevel |
◆ prevPosition
Vec3i Party_MM7::prevPosition |
◆ questBits
std::array<uint8_t, 64> Party_MM7::questBits |
◆ radius
int32_t Party_MM7::radius |
◆ randomNumbersUnused
std::array<char, 32> Party_MM7::randomNumbersUnused |
◆ savedFlightZ
int32_t Party_MM7::savedFlightZ |
◆ specialItemsInShop0
std::array<ItemGen_MM7, 12> Party_MM7::specialItemsInShop0 |
◆ specialItemsInShops
std::array<std::array<ItemGen_MM7, 12>, 52> Party_MM7::specialItemsInShops |
◆ spellBooksInGuilds
std::array<std::array<ItemGen_MM7, 12>, 32> Party_MM7::spellBooksInGuilds |
◆ standartItemsInShop0
std::array<ItemGen_MM7, 12> Party_MM7::standartItemsInShop0 |
◆ standartItemsInShops
std::array<std::array<ItemGen_MM7, 12>, 52> Party_MM7::standartItemsInShops |
◆ timePlayed
int64_t Party_MM7::timePlayed |
◆ torchLightColorRgbUnused
std::array<float, 3> Party_MM7::torchLightColorRgbUnused |
◆ turnBasedModeOn
uint32_t Party_MM7::turnBasedModeOn |
◆ turnBasedPlayerRecoveryTimes
std::array<int32_t, 4> Party_MM7::turnBasedPlayerRecoveryTimes |
◆ viewPitch
int32_t Party_MM7::viewPitch |
◆ viewPrevPitch
int32_t Party_MM7::viewPrevPitch |
◆ viewPrevYaw
int32_t Party_MM7::viewPrevYaw |
◆ viewYaw
int32_t Party_MM7::viewYaw |
◆ walkSoundTimerUnused
int32_t Party_MM7::walkSoundTimerUnused |
◆ walkSpeed
uint32_t Party_MM7::walkSpeed |
◆ waterLavaTimer
int32_t Party_MM7::waterLavaTimer |
◆ yawGranularity
int32_t Party_MM7::yawGranularity |
◆ yawRotationSpeed
int32_t Party_MM7::yawRotationSpeed |
The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: