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Camera3D Struct Reference

#include <Camera.h>

Public Member Functions

void ViewTransform (int x, int y, int z, int *transformed_x, int *transformed_y, int *transformed_z)
void ViewTransform (RenderVertexSoft *a1a, unsigned int uNumVertices)
bool ViewClip (int x, int y, int z, int *transformed_x, int *transformed_y, int *transformed_z, bool dont_show=false)
void Project (int x, int y, int z, int *screenspace_x, int *screenspace_y)
void Project (RenderVertexSoft *pVertices, unsigned int uNumVertices, bool fit_into_viewport=false)
bool CullFaceToCameraFrustum (RenderVertexSoft *pInVertices, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices, RenderVertexSoft *pVertices, signed int NumFrustumPlanes)
void LightmapNeerClip (RenderVertexSoft *pInVertices, int uNumInVertices, RenderVertexSoft *pOutVertices, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices)
void LightmapFarClip (RenderVertexSoft *pInVertices, int uNumInVertices, RenderVertexSoft *pOutVertices, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices)
void LightmapProject (unsigned int uNumInVertices, RenderVertexSoft *pOutVertices, RenderVertexSoft *pInVertices, signed int *pOutNumVertices)
bool CullFaceToFrustum (RenderVertexSoft *a1, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices, RenderVertexSoft *pVertices, signed int uNumVertices)
bool CullFaceToFrustum (RenderVertexSoft *inVerts, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices, RenderVertexSoft *pOutVertices, Planef *frustum, signed int uNumPlanes)
bool ClipFaceToFrustum (RenderVertexSoft *pInVertices, unsigned int *pOutNumVertices, RenderVertexSoft *pVertices, const Planef *CameraFrustrum)
void BuildViewFrustum ()
void CreateViewMatrixAndProjectionScale ()
void debug_outline_sw (RenderVertexSoft *a2, unsigned int uNumVertices, Color uDiffuse32, float a5)
void do_draw_debug_line_sw (RenderVertexSoft *pLineBegin, Color sStartDiffuse32, RenderVertexSoft *pLineEnd, Color sEndDiffuse32, unsigned int uOutNumVertices, float z_stuff)
bool is_face_faced_to_cameraBLV (BLVFace *pFace)
bool is_face_faced_to_cameraODM (ODMFace *pFace, RenderVertexSoft *a2)
void CullByNearClip (RenderVertexSoft *pverts, unsigned int *unumverts)
void CullByFarClip (RenderVertexSoft *pverts, unsigned int *unumverts)
float GetMouseInfoDepth ()
void CalculateRotations (int cameraYaw, int cameraPitch)
float GetNearClip () const
float GetFarClip () const

Static Public Member Functions

static void GetFacetOrientation (const Vec3f &normal, Vec3f *outU, Vec3f *outV)

Public Attributes

glm::mat3x3 ViewMatrix = {}
std::array< glm::vec4, 6 > FrustumPlanes = {{}}
float fov_y_deg = 0
float screenCenterX = 0
float screenCenterY = 0
float ViewPlaneDistPixels = 0
int odm_fov_deg = 75
float odm_fov_rad = odm_fov_deg * M_PI / 180.0f
int blv_fov_deg = 60
float blv_fov_rad = blv_fov_deg * M_PI / 180.0f
float aspect = 0
int _viewYaw = 0
int _viewPitch = 0
float _yawRotationSine = 0
float _yawRotationCosine = 0
float _pitchRotationSine = 0
float _pitchRotationCosine = 0
glm::vec3 vCameraPos = {}

Member Function Documentation

◆ BuildViewFrustum()

void Camera3D::BuildViewFrustum ( )

◆ CalculateRotations()

void Camera3D::CalculateRotations ( int  cameraYaw,
int  cameraPitch 

◆ ClipFaceToFrustum()

bool Camera3D::ClipFaceToFrustum ( RenderVertexSoft pInVertices,
unsigned int *  pOutNumVertices,
RenderVertexSoft pVertices,
const Planef CameraFrustrum 

◆ CreateViewMatrixAndProjectionScale()

void Camera3D::CreateViewMatrixAndProjectionScale ( )

◆ CullByFarClip()

void Camera3D::CullByFarClip ( RenderVertexSoft pverts,
unsigned int *  unumverts 

◆ CullByNearClip()

void Camera3D::CullByNearClip ( RenderVertexSoft pverts,
unsigned int *  unumverts 

◆ CullFaceToCameraFrustum()

bool Camera3D::CullFaceToCameraFrustum ( RenderVertexSoft pInVertices,
unsigned int *  pOutNumVertices,
RenderVertexSoft pVertices,
signed int  NumFrustumPlanes 

◆ CullFaceToFrustum() [1/2]

bool Camera3D::CullFaceToFrustum ( RenderVertexSoft a1,
unsigned int *  pOutNumVertices,
RenderVertexSoft pVertices,
signed int  uNumVertices 

◆ CullFaceToFrustum() [2/2]

bool Camera3D::CullFaceToFrustum ( RenderVertexSoft inVerts,
unsigned int *  pOutNumVertices,
RenderVertexSoft pOutVertices,
Planef frustum,
signed int  uNumPlanes 

◆ debug_outline_sw()

void Camera3D::debug_outline_sw ( RenderVertexSoft a2,
unsigned int  uNumVertices,
Color  uDiffuse32,
float  a5 

◆ do_draw_debug_line_sw()

void Camera3D::do_draw_debug_line_sw ( RenderVertexSoft pLineBegin,
Color  sStartDiffuse32,
RenderVertexSoft pLineEnd,
Color  sEndDiffuse32,
unsigned int  uOutNumVertices,
float  z_stuff 

◆ GetFacetOrientation()

void Camera3D::GetFacetOrientation ( const Vec3f normal,
Vec3f outU,
Vec3f outV 

◆ GetFarClip()

float Camera3D::GetFarClip ( ) const

◆ GetMouseInfoDepth()

float Camera3D::GetMouseInfoDepth ( )

◆ GetNearClip()

float Camera3D::GetNearClip ( ) const

◆ is_face_faced_to_cameraBLV()

bool Camera3D::is_face_faced_to_cameraBLV ( BLVFace pFace)

◆ is_face_faced_to_cameraODM()

bool Camera3D::is_face_faced_to_cameraODM ( ODMFace pFace,
RenderVertexSoft a2 

◆ LightmapFarClip()

void Camera3D::LightmapFarClip ( RenderVertexSoft pInVertices,
int  uNumInVertices,
RenderVertexSoft pOutVertices,
unsigned int *  pOutNumVertices 

◆ LightmapNeerClip()

void Camera3D::LightmapNeerClip ( RenderVertexSoft pInVertices,
int  uNumInVertices,
RenderVertexSoft pOutVertices,
unsigned int *  pOutNumVertices 

◆ LightmapProject()

void Camera3D::LightmapProject ( unsigned int  uNumInVertices,
RenderVertexSoft pOutVertices,
RenderVertexSoft pInVertices,
signed int *  pOutNumVertices 

◆ Project() [1/2]

void Camera3D::Project ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
int *  screenspace_x,
int *  screenspace_y 

◆ Project() [2/2]

void Camera3D::Project ( RenderVertexSoft pVertices,
unsigned int  uNumVertices,
bool  fit_into_viewport = false 

◆ ViewClip()

bool Camera3D::ViewClip ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
int *  transformed_x,
int *  transformed_y,
int *  transformed_z,
bool  dont_show = false 

◆ ViewTransform() [1/2]

void Camera3D::ViewTransform ( int  x,
int  y,
int  z,
int *  transformed_x,
int *  transformed_y,
int *  transformed_z 

◆ ViewTransform() [2/2]

void Camera3D::ViewTransform ( RenderVertexSoft a1a,
unsigned int  uNumVertices 

Member Data Documentation

◆ _pitchRotationCosine

float Camera3D::_pitchRotationCosine = 0

◆ _pitchRotationSine

float Camera3D::_pitchRotationSine = 0

◆ _viewPitch

int Camera3D::_viewPitch = 0

◆ _viewYaw

int Camera3D::_viewYaw = 0

◆ _yawRotationCosine

float Camera3D::_yawRotationCosine = 0

◆ _yawRotationSine

float Camera3D::_yawRotationSine = 0

◆ aspect

float Camera3D::aspect = 0

◆ blv_fov_deg

int Camera3D::blv_fov_deg = 60

◆ blv_fov_rad

float Camera3D::blv_fov_rad = blv_fov_deg * M_PI / 180.0f

◆ fov_y_deg

float Camera3D::fov_y_deg = 0

◆ FrustumPlanes

std::array<glm::vec4, 6> Camera3D::FrustumPlanes = {{}}

◆ odm_fov_deg

int Camera3D::odm_fov_deg = 75

◆ odm_fov_rad

float Camera3D::odm_fov_rad = odm_fov_deg * M_PI / 180.0f

◆ screenCenterX

float Camera3D::screenCenterX = 0

◆ screenCenterY

float Camera3D::screenCenterY = 0

◆ vCameraPos

glm::vec3 Camera3D::vCameraPos = {}

◆ ViewMatrix

glm::mat3x3 Camera3D::ViewMatrix = {}

◆ ViewPlaneDistPixels

float Camera3D::ViewPlaneDistPixels = 0

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